Saturday, January 10, 2009


Gulping my insecurities
life marked by adversities 
crusading mind's impurities
avenging fear of severities..

long its been a process
breaking each neuron 
still trying to suppress
and calmly holding on..

But as a night dies
my insecurities are alive
and with each sunrise
my fears multiply and thrive..

Losing myself to these fears
on them,i seem to choke
still trying to prevent tears
and my situation,i try to cloak..

I want a miracle to take place
annihilation of pain and frights 
someone to lovingly embrace
and cure my afflictive nights..


Arushi said...

"But as a night dies
my insecurities are alive
and with each sunrise
my fears multiply and thrive.."

I love this part...
It's so beautiful...
Really touching...

Sneha Nahar said...

hey reli a gud poem..
so touching!